Saturday, July 25, 2009

PSA: Don't Panic, We're Just At The Disco.

Oh nooo.
I've been letting Louis make all the posts recently,
besides me being too lazy/sickly to say anything, I just
haven't posted.

1. Anyways a few changes on the way, I'm figuring
how to get a really good quality music player for the blog (?).
If anyone knows a bit about what I'm speaking of,
please, don't be scared to let me know.

2. There might be a few changes on the team, though
this is just an idea I suppose. But having 3 never
hurt the Musketeers if I remember correctly.

3. I believe we'll set up a blogspot Youtube account
that way if in any posts have videos, you can go there
instead of having to look through old posts, or something of the sort, bawww.
Plus I just want one.

4. We'll have an account open for those who want to
download some music off Mediafire, not sure when
I'll be posting that, but if you just wanna leech off
the shit in there you're more than welcome to.

5. I'm hoping to have a really nice layout made for the blog.
Something freshasfuck, but I need to find a willing worker.
I have a friend who might do it, but I'm keeping my
fingers crossed since he's busy with work and his own life.
Once we get that going we'll be on to some bigger things.

6. And last, but not srsly least, I'm hoping to get
better coverage on the things we see/do offline.
I need a better camera to get this shit but yea,
moreso to key you in on what goes on when we aren't
on the computers, typing up these posts.
(If anyone's got one they wanna sell, lemme know
because I might be able to front up the money for it.)

tl;dr - New things on the way. Possibly buying a new camera.
Lemme know, gimme the info.

Thanx to everyone reading and following our blog.

Thank you to friends who advertise and help us out.

Thank you to my bro(dy) Louis,
for being so diligent with posting.
And for keeping a close eye on this thing when I don't.

Thank you's all around.

- Tevin.

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