I'm sure a lot of people have already heard of Fmylife.com. I thought it was pretty popular but when I present it to certain people they've never heard of it. Is it because you've never had a moment where you've just flat out said, "You know what, fuck my life." Or you just don't use the internet? Either way it's an entertaining website, some of the stories are copy and paste, MOST are rather unbelievable but whom am I to say that this didn't happen:
"Today, after my girlfriend of 2 years left me for another guy, I got stuck in an elevator for 3 hours. With both of them. FML"
Regardless, some of us are lucky enough to have pretty smooth lives, and then again some of us are lucky enough to have smooth lives, but be diagnosed with manic depression. Whichever the case, pop on the website for a quick laugh or maybe just to get teary eye'd when you relate to a horrible situation.
I got locked out of my apartment last night and had to sleep on the porch till my rents showed up about an hour later, fml? Nah, I figured I'd get robbed or something before they showed, so I made out like a bandit in that situation. If you have a FML, comment and let us know, or maybe link us to a post on fmylife.com for amusement.
Moving on, camera recorded early releases of movies say wut?
Found a website recently called XOXOMOVIE, they give an extensive list of movies, not all of them are there, and the newer ones are camera recorded. Found a few where the view was half seat/half movie screen <---- that's how I like my movies anyways. I'd rather torrenting than anything, but sometimes you just can't wait? I mean Harry Potter OMFGOMFGOMFG, if you want to see it so badly would you risk hating the movie quality just to see it early? Maybe. Especially if you could see it before everyone else and spoil the ending, as I'd love to do with any blockbuster movie being released. There are a few good websites for finding some good movies, if you torrent, a few websites to look at would be:
demonoid.com - if you have an account anyways.
I'd mention Pirate Bay but, T__T.
If you're a person who'd rather watch shit online, without the hassle of torrenting or anything somewhat technical, check out:
I'd give more but there's a good bit of options on there.
I'll warn you not all websites are legit, so be careful, no one likes spyware/adware.
I also like to check out asian-horror-movies.com, because I enjoy horror/gore, and I enjoy Asian things. :).
Anyways just something I didn't need to say, but did anyways, have a good nite everyone.
- Tevin.